How to file GST returns in India? - Tax Information


Sunday, 13 May 2018

How to file GST returns in India?

In Todays scenario, every business will have to comply with Tax Returns under Excise, VAT and Service tax. They also have to file returns in every state they operate. There is also ambiguity in deciding the place of manufacture and time of supply.  With GST in place, it does not matter whether you are a trader, manufacturer, reseller or a service provider, you only need to file GST returns. From 1st July 2017, the Indian government is Implementing GST charges. Goods & Service Tax (GST) is a tax charged on the supply (including sales) of goods and services made in India and on the importation of goods and services into India. Even though GST is charged on the sales price of the goods or services, the amount to be remitted to the Government is only on the value added to the goods or services at each level of the distribution/supply chain.
If you run a business in India, You will have to register for GST if your turnover is over 20 Lakhs per annum and start filing GST Returns; if you already have a Indirect tax registration, you have to convert that into a GST Registration The effective date of registration is on the first day of the following month after the end of the twenty eight days liability.
Once you register for GST, you must:
  • charge GST at on all your sales, except for exempt supplies
  • give tax invoices to GST-registered persons within 30 days
  • keep GST invoices and receipts when you buy goods or services for your business
  • keep GST invoices to claim a GST credit for a supply
  • keep any other records and paperwork to support the figures in your GST returns
  • calculate your sales and income and your purchases and expenses
  • make additional GST calculations, if applicable, eg for GST adjustments and provisional tax
  • calculate your GST total

What are the Returns to be filed under GST? What are the due dates of these returns?

Now Let us look at the various returns to be filed under GST and its due dates.

S.NoGSTR ReturnForDue dateTo be filed by
1GSTR – 1Sales (Outward supply)10thAll
2GSTR-2Purchase (Inward supply)15thAll
3GSTR-3Monthly Return20thAll
4GSTR-4Quarterly return18th of subsequent quarterCompounding Tax payers
5GSTR-5Periodic return for NRILast day of registrationNRI
6GSTR-6Return for ISD15th
7GSTR-7Return for TDS10th
8GSTR-8Annual Return31st DecAll

What is the step-by-step procedure to file returns under GST

  • Under the GST Regime, every business will have to file 3 returns every month. Unlike the current practice, Returns will have to be filed electronically only.
  • You will first have to declare your supplies (sales and service revenues) only and the input for purchases are automatically populated based on your vendor submissions.
  • This means, if your vendor fails to declare your sale, you will be denied credit to that transaction. The Government has passed the onus of following up on GST Return filing to the tax payers itself by this.
  • Here is a step-by-step procedure to file returns:
    • 10th of every month, you will declare your sales in GSTR-1
    • Between 11th – 15th, Your purchase (inward supply) will get auto-populated and you are allowed to make corrections in GSTR-2A
    • On 20th, the auto-populated GSTR-3 will be available for filing and payment

How to claim a GST refund?

When you claim a refund you must keep:
  • a copy of the GST invoice you issued for the sale the refund relates to
  • a separate GST bad debt account slip
  • amount you have written off as bad debt
  • amount of GST you want to claim as a refund for bad debt
  • GST period in which you originally accounted for the GST on the sale
  • GST period in which you are claiming a refund
  • total amount of GST charged on each sale
  • amount of any payment received for each sale
  • name of your customer
  • date and number of the invoice
You must keep the records listed above for six years from the date you make your claim. GST returns and payments must be submitted not later than the last day of the month following the end of the taxable period.

How will refunds be processed?

The GST refunds will be proceeded with the direct credit to your bank account, if you provide your bank details, you can fill out a Direct credit authorization form, which you can find in the “Forms and guides” section.
If a refund applies, they will send you a cheque within 15 working days. Your GST return will have a due date on it, which is the date you need to get the completed GST return to us.

 How to e-file GST returns?

GST is a self-assessed tax. GST-registered businesses are required to e-File their returns and make payment electronically by the due date .It is compulsory to e-File your GST returns through GSTN Portal.

To e-file your GST returns we should need to provide

  • Your organization”™s tax reference number
  • Your PAN
  • Your ID and Password
Your organization”™s e-Services Access Code issued by GSTN (required only if your organization is e-Filing GST return for the first time or you would like to authorize/ re-authorize a person for e-Filing).
Since GST registration is essential for the purposes of submission of GST return, payments, correspondence, etc. it is necessary to maintain clear and perfect records in accounting purposes. Among the various GST accounting software in the market, Reach GST Accounting software is one of the simple but equipped and effective GST accounting software for your any type of business in India.
There are many best features about Reach GST accounting software. To name a few:
With Reach GST Accounting software you will be able to view the last prepared invoice automatically while creating new Invoices. Set reminders for every invoice. SMS or email reminders automatically. Send bills automatically to your accountant and add notes. Prepare GST Reports automatically.

How can we simplify the process of filing returns under GST

  • GST payments will have to be paid digitally only and hence would bring a wide spread adoption of technology.
  • Businesses with multiple branches will have to adopt wiser technology to facilitate branch transfers (which is apparently GST charged) and have to replan their locations since the advantage of statewise differential taxes will be eliminated and the country would become a single market.
  • If you are considering upgrading your Accounting Software to a Cloud based next gen ERP which can help you with GST Compliance, Reach Accountant would be an ideal fit to simplify compliances, facilitate multi-branch data consolidation and save cost and time.
  • You can easily migrate from tally by importing your tally data directly into Reach Accountant.
  • To give it a try, mail

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